Two Maranda High School Teachers Honored with Trip to Seychelles for Exceptional KCSE Performance

Two Maranda High School Teachers Honored with Trip to Seychelles for Exceptional KCSE Performance

Dr. John Ongech, the Board of Management chair, honoured two of its distinguished teachers with a prestigious reward for their exemplary performances in the Kenya…
Exploring the Intricacies of Human Anatomy with Madam Marylinnet Ombima

Exploring the Intricacies of Human Anatomy with Madam Marylinnet Ombima

The study of biology transcends textbooks and theory,  it's a journey into the complex beauty of the human body. Maranda High School takes pride in…
From the PA Chair: Eng. Aduke Elisha

From the PA Chair: Eng. Aduke Elisha

I  wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for the gift of life he has given us to steer this school to…