Two Maranda High School Teachers Honored with Trip to Seychelles for Exceptional KCSE Performance

Dr. John Ongech, the Board of Management chair, honoured two of its distinguished teachers with a prestigious reward for their exemplary performances in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

Mr. Godfrey Killo, is lauded for his remarkable accomplishment of leading his students to achieve a mean score of 12.0 four consecutive times in the KCSE. This extraordinary feat not only highlights his dedication and innovative teaching methods but also places Maranda High School at the forefront of computer studies education in Kenya.

In tandem, the school celebrates the success of Mr. Okoth Joshua, a luminary in the field of Chemistry. Mr. Joshua has consistently proven his mettle by guiding his students to a stellar mean score of 10.50, thereby securing the position of the best in the country in this rigorous and demanding subject.

Dr. Ongech, in his address to the faculty and students, underscored the importance of dedication and hard work, which are clearly embodied in the efforts of both Mr. Killo and Mr. Joshua.

The reward, a luxurious getaway to one of the most picturesque destinations in the world, is a demonstration of the school’s commitment to acknowledging and celebrating the hard work and success of its staff members. It serves as a motivational beacon for other teachers to strive for excellence and reinforces the culture of high performance that Maranda High School is known for.

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